Apr 20, 2011


In all honesty the first time i read through the narrative i was very confused. I was not sure is I was reading it correctly or if there was indeed three stories going on. After i reread some of the narrative it became clear to me that there were indeed three stories going on and that the beginning of the passage was actually the end.

What i thought was very interesting were two stories in particular. The one the old man told about the polar bear and the hunter and also the woman as the story teller about her murder of the store owner. I thought they both had a lot of similarities to each other and in a way played off of each other. Also what was very interesting was the way her story ended about the murder of the store owner. The simple fact that she could have gotten out of the murder but didn't interested me. instead of saying it was an accident, she said she murdered him because that is exactly what she wanted to happen whether or not it was her fault or not. It was a way to get inside of her head and see that whether or not she caused the death she wanted it to happen and to her that was enough to be put in jail.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia did a great job explaining the text and I felt the same way she did about the story. It was very confusing and I did not get a whole lot out of it after I read it the first time. Olivia did a good job explaining the importance of the old man's story and how it related to the girl and the store owner at the end.
