May 17, 2011

Phatom Limb

From the very beginning of the movie I was very interested. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. Whether it was simply about the death of the directors brother or plainly about death. In reality the movie was about both. The movie was very relateable for everyone. The fact of death is a topic that most people have encountered and experienced in some point. The movie didn't hide anything. What was really interesting to me were the steps after death. They may not have gone in an order that works for everyone but the creators of the movie weren't scared to jump into that topic and touch upon things that people aren't used to hearing about. Death is something that physically and emotionally hurts and people don't usually want to bring that kind of pain up or resurface old emotions and feelings. Another thing that was very interesting to me were the pictures and examples that went along with the steps. For example the stage of shock gave an example of rats being shocked. I really never thought about how rats being shocked could relate to death in any form. Everything connected and built a real meaning. It was for the viewer to interpret those meanings and form them into something that related to their life in the past or currently.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this post. I also was pretty interested in the rat example given in the shock stage. I wasn't sure if it was a great example at first, but after watching the section it really made sense. It was such a different approach to showing the shock stage of grieving and really had an effect on the audience.
