Hello textual analysts,
You are each an author on this blog, meaning that you can post to it. Here you will compose and publish at least one post per week through most weeks of the term. You'll also read others' posts and leave substantive comments on at least some of them.
This adds some dimensions to our reading beyond class discussions. One is writing to learn and explore, which aids in thinking. Another is getting feedback, encouraging and critical, from others on your points and responses, which develops the social, collaborative dimension of interpretation.
While blog writing tends to be less formal than essay writing, you do want to work your writing some here. Proofread, do a bit of substantive revising. You can always edit your posts after you publish them too. Although few outsiders will visit our blog, it is possible.
Timeliness is important. You need to post by either T or TH by class time. You need to read and comment on others' posts within two days of your posting or by Saturday. There is a little give in this, but late posts and comments tend to lag behind the topic and get ignored. The blog publishes the most recent, displaying the most recent ten posts. After that, you have to click on 'older posts' or use the archive links to get to posts. You'll need to do that some to access those who post early in the week.
I look forward to reading your posts and will post some myself.
--Dr Rouzie